5 Reasons Why Garage Door Insulation is Important

5 Reasons Why Garage Door Insulation is ImportantIn Australia, the harsh climate can cause problems when it comes to our homes, particularly the garage. As an area of our home that experiences dramatic changes in temperatures, and heat and energy loss, garage doors are often seen as a weak link in the thermal envelope on a home. In most homes, they regularly open and close, exposing most of an entire wall to the outdoor conditions. To keep heating and cooling costs down, as well as protect their valuables, homeowners are now opting to insulate their garage doors. Insulated garage doors minimise heat loss and provide a number of other benefits.

Read on to find out what garage door insulation can do for your home.

1. Boosts your home’s energy efficiency

Thermal efficiency is one of the most significant benefits that is offered by the insulation of garage doors. A common misconception most homeowners adopt is that the maintaining of moderate indoor temperatures would be possible just by keeping their home and garage doors closed. This is not true as air leakage from the cracks and corners of the doors would still disrupt the regulation of interior temperature. This can potentially increase your electrical bills but also take a toll on the health and well-being of your family members as your home will be susceptible to hot and cold air entering the common areas.

Storm Shield Roller Door2. Provides a silent operation

Whether you are in search of garage roller doors or custom garage doors in Adelaide, as long as they are outfitted with insulation features, these doors would perform much quieter. Due to the additional padding and strength that is offered by the insulation, the sound of rattles and creaks are less likely to come through. With a smooth garage door operation, you won’t need to worry about the possibility of any jarring noises waking or disturbing your family and neighbours as you enter and leave your home. The silent operation also allows you to easily identify if there are there any issues with your chains, rollers, hinges or springs as any sounds of garage door malfunction will be obvious.

3. Increases door durability and strength

The strength of your garage door would be significantly increased following insulation. As a result of the additional panels and extra support typically composed of steel and aluminium, your door would be more durable when compared to its uninsulated counterparts. The reinforcement offered by these single or dual planes could withstand damages that may be caused by vehicles, children or even the climate. Both sturdy and lightweight, you can be assured that these doors would be long-lasting.

ThermaDoor4. Reduces street noise

Along with the resistance that is offered by an increased panel padding, comes the added benefit of reduced street noise. Similar to soundproofing a room, insulated garage doors act as a sound barrier that muffles outside noises. Homeowners can now enjoy peaceful and comforting days at home without being affected by the sound of the howling wind or cars driving by. This advantage is especially helpful if there are rooms located directly above or adjacent to the garage.

5. Keeps your valuables safe

Garages are commonly purposed to store cars, valuable or work items. An uninsulated garage may help to keep away intruders, animals or pests – but this is as far as the protection goes. When the cold weather or heat seeps through, you might not only risk your vehicles from the inconsistent temperature but also the rest of the stored items. Cold temperatures are known to decrease the amount of pressure in your tires which not only leads to poor traction but even tire failure. Other dangerous effects also include a shortened car battery life as well as the thickening of engine fluids. Items such as electrical equipment, paint, and even fertilisers could be severely impacted by the fluctuating temperature. An insulated garage door would keep the indoor environment at an optimal temperature while preserving your valuables.

Whether you’re looking to get B&D storm shield garage doors or insulated garage doors installed, look no further than AllStyle Garage Doors & Window Shutters. We’re a family-owned business with nearly five decades of experience in making and servicing high quality garage doors in Adelaide. Get in touch with us today to discuss your options.

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